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Developing the Love of Nature in Future Generations



We have chosen Children in the Wilderness

         as the recipient of our fundraising efforts.

​Children in the Wilderness (CITW) is a non-profit organisation dedicated to helping children see the beauty and potential in the wild places of Africa, both for their own development as people and for the conservation of our unique natural resources in Botswana, Malawi, Namibia, Rwanda, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Tanzania and Kenya.

CITW bridges the divide that exists between some communities bordering some of Africa’s most magnificent protected wild reserves and the wildlife that inhabit them. It does so by educating the next generation of rural decision makers.  The CITW programme gives them a different perspective, an educational experience that instils a passion for conservation so that they can create motivated environmentalists who will ensure that our unique natural heritage is sustained and protected.

CITW reaches these children directly in their schools, villages and towns. They do this through hosting of environmental/eco-clubs in the schools. They have developed various environmental resources for these eco-clubs and they train teachers and local community members how to effectively use these resources and share environmental knowledge.

Children in the Wilderness - Logo (Jpeg).jpg

OUR Challenge for YOU!

Not everyone has the chance to go overlanding through Africa, and so many of you have expressed envy and excitement for us.​

We would love to have you in the journey with us and so challenge you to sponsor

Children in the Wilderness!


Starting at ZAR0.01, please join in the fun and, at the same time, help this charity do amazing work. All sponsored monies will be paid directly to the charity.


Every kilometre we drive on our overland adventure will become a stepping stone for children to explore and learn about the wonders of nature. Your support will empower the next generation to discover, appreciate, and protect our precious environment. Let's support this classroom without walls and inspire a lifelong love for nature in these young hearts. 


Our intended route should be roughly 15 000km, round trip.


​By sponsoring us, for example:


       1 cent per km, you would contribute approximately R150 on our return


       5 cents per km, you would contribute approximately R750 on our return


       10 cents per km, you would contribute approximately R1500 on our return


​We will be posting our kilometres on the clock from departure day and keeping you abreast of our distances frequently. Our final clock reading will be posted when we get back home around the end of March 2024, when donations will be due. Please make your pledge in the form below.

Support Our Cause
Leave your details and pledge, donate on our return

Thank you for helping us make a difference!

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